Water Is Life

Water In Need

Water is the most important basic need to human survival and must, therefore, be accessible to all in the right quantity and quality. Despite the abundance of water bodies in Zambia, about 45% of the water resources of the southern sub-Sahara region is in Zambia, more than one third of the population does not have access to clean water and more than half lacks access to water sanitation facilities. The majority of Zambians in rural areas draw water from rivers, ponds, wells, streams and boreholes for household use. The water from these sources is unsafe for drinking especially in the rain season when water is contaminated with water bone diseases like cholera resulting in deaths in many cases.

 Zambian Relief Organization recognize the importance of water for public health, food production and others. In an effort to improve the water supply in rural areas especially for women and children, ZRO has designed a program for constructing wells and boreholes for ground water. Water is key to sustainable economic development, the groundwater projects and other improved water resources will contribute to the overall impact on the reduction of poverty, increased food security and enhanced social and economic development. Unfortunately, the implementation of the rural groundwater development program for the construction of boreholes in the rural area has been hampered by inadequate financing and investment for the development of these water resources.

Improved Access to Clean Water

The installation of a water pump provides a reliable and sustainable source of clean water. This eliminates the need for community members to travel long distances to fetch water from distant sources, reducing the time and effort required for water collection. It ensures that clean water is easily accessible to the community, improving their overall quality of life.

ZRO is willing and ready to collaborate and work with other organizations to supplement government’s effort in the quest to promote development and improve rural livelihoods in the rural communities of Zambia in a water project.


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